1. User's Manual For The Sf-36v2 Health Survey Form
  2. Sf 36v2 Scoring Manual
  3. Sf-36v2 Health Survey
Users Manual For The Sf-36v2 Health SurveyUser s manual for the sf-36v2 health survey

(2002) User’s Manual for SF-36v2 Health Survey. 2nd Edition, Quality Metric Inc., Lincoln, 81-84. Has been cited by the following article: TITLE: Randomised Controlled Trial for the Efficacy of Cervical Lateral Glide Mobilisation in the Management of Cervicobrachial Pain. Medical Outcomes Study Questionnaire Short Form 36 Health Survey (SF-36) About: The SF-36 is an indicator of overall health status. Items: 10 Reliability: Most of these studies that examined the reliability of the SF36 have exceeded 0.80 (McHorney et al., 1994; Ware et al., 1993).

User's Manual For The Sf-36v2 Health Survey Form


Sf 36v2 Scoring Manual

    Maruish ME (2011) User’s manual for the SF-36v2 Health Survey (3rd ed.). Lincoln, RI: QualityMetric Incorporated.
  • TITLE: Psychometrics of the Short Form 36 Health Survey Version 2 (SF-36v2) and the Quality of Life Scale for Drug Addicts (QOL-DAv2.0) in Chinese Mainland Patients with Methadone Maintenance Treatment
  • AUTHORS: Kaina Zhou, Guihua Zhuang, Hongmei Zhang, Peifeng Liang, Juan Yin, Lingling Kou, Mengmeng Hao, Lijuan You
  • JOURNAL NAME: PLOS ONEDOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0079828Sep 09, 2014
  • ABSTRACT: Objective To test psychometrics of the Short Form 36 Health Survey version 2 (SF-36v2) and the Quality of Life Scale for Drug Addicts (QOL-DAv2.0) in Chinese mainland patients with methadone maintenance treatment (MMT). Methods A total of 1,212 patients were recruited from two MMT clinics in Xi’an, China. Reliability was estimated with Cronbach’s α and intra-class correlation (ICC). Convergent and discriminant validity was assessed using multitrait-multimethod correlation matrix. Sensitivity was measured with ANOVA and relative efficiency. Responsiveness was evaluated by pre-post paired-samples t-test and standardized response mean based on the patients’ health status changes following 6-month period. Results Cronbach’s α of the SF-36v2 physical and mental summary components were 0.80 and 0.86 (eight scales range 0.73–0.92) and the QOL-DAv2.0 was 0.96 (four scales range: 0.80–0.93). ICC of the SF-36v2 two components were 0.86 and 0.85 (eight scales range: 0.72–0.87) and the QOL-DAv2.0 was 0.94 (four scales range: 0.88–0.92). Convergent validity was lower between the two instruments (γ <0.70) while discriminant validity was acceptable within each instrument. Sensitivity was satisfied in self-evaluated health status (both instruments) and average daily methadone dose (SF-36v2 physical functioning and vitality scales; QOL-DAv2.0 except psychology scale). Responsiveness was acceptable in the improved health status change (SF-36v2 except vitality scale; QOL-DAv2.0 except psychology and symptoms scales) and deteriorated health status change (SF-36v2 except vitality, social functioning and mental health scales; QOL-DAv2.0 except society scale). Conclusions The SF-36v2 and the QOL-DAv2.0 are valid tools and can be used independently or complementary according to different emphases of health-related quality of life evaluation in patients with MMT.

Sf-36v2 Health Survey

Oct 21, 2016  The SF-36 is a multi-purpose survey designed to capture adult patients' perceptions of their own health and well-being. Based on a much longer survey developed in the 1980's by Ware, J.E., the SF-36 has 36 items grouped in 8 dimensions: physical functoning, physicial and emotional limitations, social functioning, bodily pain, general and mental health. Maruish ME (2011) User’s manual for the SF-36v2 Health Survey (3rd ed.). Lincoln, RI: QualityMetric Incorporated. 被如下文章引用: TITLE: Psychometrics of the Short Form 36 Health Survey Version 2 (SF-36v2) and the Quality of Life Scale for Drug Addicts (QOL-DAv2.0) in Chinese Mainland Patients with Methadone Maintenance Treatment.