ECE Lab Manuals-Free Download Search Lab Manuals Below. Lab Manuals Lab Manuals Titile Get Lab Manuals; Lab Manuals ENGINEERING PRACTICES LABORATORY. Electronics & Communication Engineering Lecture Notes for All Universities & Lab Manuals for All Semester-Free Download. ECE 20700 - Electronic Measurement Techniques - Electrical and Computer Engineering - Purdue University. A lab manual will be provided for students. JNTU Lab Manuals – Download JNTUH, JNTUK & JNTUA Lab Manuals PDF We have tabulated all Lab Manuals for all branches such as CSE, ECE, EEE, IT, Mech & Civil and the other useful information is that students can download these lab manuals as all listed JNTU Lab manuals are provided in pdf format. ECE 207 Course Outcomes and Outline Fall 2010 Elements of Electrical Engineering: By the end of this course, the student will be able to 1. Solve a resistive network that is excited by an AC or a DC source. Solve first-order circuits involving resistors and a capacitor or an inductor.
Credits: 1Professional Attributes
EE Core
Normally Offered: Each Fall, Spring, Summer
ECE 20100 [may be taken concurrently]
Catalog Description:
Experimental exercises in use of laboratory instruments. Voltage, current, impedance, frequency and waveform measurements. Frequency and transient response. Elements of circuit modeling and design.
- A lab manual will be provided for students.
Recommended Text(s): None.
Learning Outcomes:

- an ability to competently operate basic laboratory equipment. [None]
- an ability to make voltage, current, impedance, transient, and frequency response measurements. [1]
- an ability to layout, wire and troubleshoot electronic circuits. [1]
- an ability to design operational amplifier circuits from a set of specifications. [1,2,6]
- an ability to keep a laboratory notebook and prepare a formal laboratory report. [3]
Lab Outline:
Ece 3110 Lab Manual
Week | Experiment Title or Activity |
1 | Course overview; Intro to Oscilloscope, Ohmeter, Voltmeter |
2 | Simple Op-Amp Circuit; Oscilloscope I |
3 | Op-Amp Equations; Current Measurement |
4 | Follower Circuit |
5 | Summing Amplifier |
6 | Integrator |
7 | Linear Scale Ohmmeter |
8 | Scope II: triggering, x-y mode |
9 | Lab practical exam |
10 | Lab practical exam - Formal Technical Report due |
11 | Step response and time constant measurement |
12 | AC bridge circuit |
13 | Frequency response measurements |
14 | Filter design |
15 | Lab practical exam |